Readymade Ribbed Fibreglass Flat Roofing Sheets Now Available For The Trade Professional Or DIYer.

Our new readymade ribbed fibreglass flat roofing sheets are a flat roofing solution that enables you to beat weather conditions and knock hours off your job. They are quick fitting therefore you save time on site. If it looks like it might rain you can quickly gaffa tape the joints then come back another day. You don’t have to worry about your materials going off too quickly if it is too hot like you would doing a traditional lay up method. The sheets are made to order in the size you require. Sheets are a maximum size of 8.8 square meters and are available in 600 or 900 csm (chopped strand mat). You just butt sheets together then fibreglass over the joint with 600 or 900 csm. The ribbed finish makes uneven surfaces look flatter. You don’t need to carry so much resin in your van and sheets can be rolled up for easy transportation. Ideal for extensions, garden sheds, conservatories, porches, lean to’s or garages and suitable for private, commercial or industrial work. Shapes Grp have developed a kit designed for the trade professional and a special kit for the DIYer which includes telephone consultation if required.  If you are a general builder or roofer or attempting your own home DIY contact us now for more info.

If you want to know any more information please phone us on 01872 859263
( Mob: 07990 554623 ) or fill in the form below

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